Category: Make Local Sell Local

  • Social Media Monitoring for Marketing

    Social Media Monitoring for Marketing

    Where are you when your potential customers are talking? Social media provides a chance to hear things you would never hear before, find customers you would never find before, and make connections that lead to sales you would never make before. The key is to be there to capitalize on the thought, comment, mention that…

  • Local Business and Google Search Ranking

    So What Can You Do? Make sure your website or blog is optimized for local search results. Focus on the terms that people will use when they search for you locally, broad and general terms will likely leave you ont he 90th page. Use the local area you are in, whether it is SOHO in…

  • Run your own Group Buying Promotion. I am.

    Who needs Groupon? Keep all the revenue and stir up some serious business along the way. In this post I am going to explain how with an example I just put together for Evenfall Restaurant, it’s a home grown group buying marketing campaign. It’s Mojito Time. The Hook: The more people that buy the cheaper…

  • Small Business Online Marketing Blueprint

    Steps to a RockStar online Presence (part one) 1) Create or Invest in a Modern Well Designed Website that has conversion pages and easily updated information, as well as an email opt in for updates regarding your products or services. Your website can not be an ugly brochure online any longer, it is turning away…

  • The Great Facebook Like Hoax

    The Great Facebook Like Hoax

    One of the most common questions I run into from my clients is how can they get more Facebook LIKES. It’s an interesting smorgasbord of approaches you can find being used out there, but what ones are worth the effort and investment? Lets take a look. First let’s Get Real: Lets understand what Facebook (as…

  • Why location is more important today than yesterday..

    … but not as important as tomorrow. What are the implications of social posting on location by consumers? A recent report by ListenLogic – 25% of social media shopping conversations are posted by consumers while they are in an actual store. Fueled by the explosive growth of the smartphone market share, consumers are commenting on their…

  • Use the newest Foursquare specials to promote your restaurant

    How to use the newest foursquare specials to promote your restaurant. Recently foursquare announced its third version, which gives merchants a handful of new specials to offer. Here they are: – Swarm Special: If a certain amount of people check-in at the same time, a retailer can offer a discount. – Friends Special: If you…