Category: Tools
Tweeted: 2012-10-31 23:17:26
@Jen_Royle is it me or are the Red Sox on fire with their hires? — LunaSnow (@iamlunasnow) October 31, 2012
Tweeted: 2012-10-31 20:20:09
My wedding song 🙂 I'm listening to It's Now Or Never by Elvis Presley on Pandora #pandora — Megan (@MegElms) October 31, 2012
Tweeted: 2012-10-28 16:54:35
According to Michael Bloomberg #hurricane #sandy is only allowed to rain 16 ounces or less! (via @senna1) — LunaSnow (@iamlunasnow) October 28, 2012
Tweeted: 2012-10-22 23:13:04
@mommilkshake @red_red_head or its the transplanted Ny'ers — LunaSnow (@iamlunasnow) October 22, 2012
Spirocks Tweets 2012-10-11
so u like cheese huh ?? (via @senna1) # Larceny Bourbon from Heaven Hill Distillery makes an appearance on our drink list our original cocktail: Maple Larceny (via @Andolinis01810) #
Spirocks Tweets 2012-10-10
Sandusky 30-60 yrs in jail. Won't admit he's a rapist. Hope he meets a fate similar to Dahmer. (via @melysha7) # LG Optimus Nexus photos and details surface – # Is there anything more depressing than a dollar store? # How long until the Huffington Post disappears? # Protesters rally as Merkel voices…
Spirocks Tweets 2012-10-09
looking for a good comedy to watch tonight?There's a live one on ESPN at 830… It's called Texans vs Jets # It's almost hard to believe how horrible @nbcnews is. # The danger of a negative first impression (via @1ad_dad) # For the first time in 20 years, a federal court will review scientific…
Spirocks Tweets 2012-10-08
On Friday Jets still has 12k unsold tickets for Monday night. #nfl # Too someone with an illness, to know that people care for you is paramount to your condition. #getwellpagano # Flacco sucks, and him talking about how good he is really gets annoying. # That's interference on Cleveland. #missedcall # Pass interference is…