Category: Tools

  • Spirocks Twitter Updates for 2012-03-15

    Just what andover needs another bank, oh and chain restaurant. Makes it feel so special. # Gym music # You can see my Google Plus Ones here: # The faves Daily is out! #

  • Spirocks Twitter Updates for 2012-03-14

    The Honking Experiment: Can You Predict Your Driving Behaviour? – # A pound of body fat is 3500 calories. # Give each key employee a unique email that posts to the social media sites you assign allow them to: # Holy shit my car is fast. # Does it vex you that you…

  • Spirocks Twitter Updates for 2012-03-13

    What's your “Fate Worse Than Death?” – # Today's video shoot location. # Enjoying the weather!!! # The iPhone 4S's Siri is “at best, a work-in-progress” says a false-advertising lawsuit filed against Apple. @gematos33 # Simple SEO Research Tool: # Why You Must Host Your Own Business Website #…

  • Social Networks (Share on Them) But Host Your Own Website

    Social Networks (Share on Them) But Host Your Own Website

    Why Host Your Own Website, Social Networks Host a Page for You for Free?  Today Posterous got bought by Twitter, and likely will fade away and be shut down in the not too distant future. It follows a long line of other social networks, some alive but irrelevant like MySpace, and others that have been…

  • Spirocks Twitter Updates for 2012-03-12

    I like big butts and i can't lie #yobailo (via @DianaVegaM) hahahha # B Crew on at Andover Starbucks today, come on we already lost an hour… # Sniff Star # Headed home from the Beach. @megelms # Super Dope Fiancé @megelms # Warming the puppy up. @megelms # Cant wait…

  • Spirocks Twitter Updates for 2012-03-11

    Restaurants: Here is how you should be using Spoke Social to Aid in Booking Events and Private Parties: # Manage each employees access to and submissions to your company's social media accounts, simple and safe new tool: # "@RoseManukyan: @ThMasterCleanse On my second day, I'm feeling fine!" how did it end up? #…

  • Spirocks Twitter Updates for 2012-03-10

    The Only Way to Put Your Business in the Center of Attention – # Are you ignoring the obvious link to your customers? – # Meeting @c21mclennan for a video shoot. (@ Perfecto's Caffe w/ 2 others) # The time to deny it is over, mobile internet rules the day. #…

  • The Only Way to Put Your Business in the Center of Attention

    The Only Way to Put Your Business in the Center of Attention

    The time to deny it, IS OVER, mobile internet rules the day. If you question this, do the following:  Look at any child with your iPhone or iPad. Look at your spouse across the table from you. See what people are doing on the train. Check out what gets the attention of people in line…