How to Use QR Codes to Promote Your Restaurant

Qr Codes.

You have probably seen them around. Do you know what they are and how to use them? QR Codes, short for “Quick Response Code” are the square black and white images that look like this: QR Code

They can be scanned with a smartphone, and lead the user to a webpage without any typing. Go ahead try it on the one above…

Some Ideas on How you can use them

At GuestFeed we are using them in these ways:

1) You write an amazing blog about a lot of the things that you have on your menu, take the post you wrote about the Great Hill Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives in your Dirty Blue Martini and put a QR codes that links to it on your martini list next to drink… customers that know will scan it and be lead to your blog. Where you can speak to them directly and share what makes them so special. Like this: Blue cheese olives qr code

2) You use print ads in magazines or coupon flyers, you send out direct mail pieces, or you distribute postcards on cars in your neighborhood. Place a QR code on them that allows someone to go from: ‘That looks cool, I will have to remember that place’ to scanning your QR code that links to your online reservation service, (which does not use flash) so that they can reserve right from their phone. Like this one: Reservations QR

3) Put a QR code in your menu box, so during off hours your guests can ‘take the menu with them’ by scanning your QR code and bringing up the menu on their phones.

4) So you use grass fed beef from an exclusive farm that uses best practices raising their cattle. Put a QR code that link s to their site next to the item on your menu and let the guest educate themselves as to why it is better than the other restaurant’s generic beef.

5) And lastly a no brainer: put the code on your business cards.

What ways are you using them that I did not list? leave a comment here or find me on twitter @spirocks

More QR Ideas:





10 responses to “How to Use QR Codes to Promote Your Restaurant”

  1. Brad Simonis Avatar

    I am wondering how tough it would be to program a POS set up like Starbucks is using for their “mobile payment system” which is really just a QR code tied to a gift card.

  2. Farid Ali Lancheros Avatar

    Where and how does one get one of these codes?

    1. Spirocks Avatar


      There are multiple ways to get one, the easiest is to use to shorten the link you want to be in the code. Once you get the short link paste it in the address add .qr to the end of it. The resulting page will have the qr code and you can just save the image and use as you like. Hope this helps. -Spiro

  3. […] That being said, every day you should ask customers to join your list during the course of business, you should encourage your current list members to forward to friends, and you should make it easy to sign up on your site and marketing materials. QR code anyone? […]

    1. Spiro Pappadopoulos Avatar

      Cool stuff thanks.