What was the most important Facebook News?


Facebook shared some pretty incredible new developments to their platform today, what will have the most impact in your opinion? Share in the comments below, with mine. The best selling ‘Now’ by Jay Bar goes to the most insightful.






4 responses to “What was the most important Facebook News?”

  1. Spiro Pappadopoulos Avatar

    In general it is clear that, Facebook is focused on the future by leveraging your past. The way they emphasized the ‘story of your life’ had an Apple appeal with the data aggregation of Facebook built in. 

  2. Spiro Pappadopoulos Avatar

    I think with the new design and emphasis on the social graph it is important for businesses of all sizes to have a clear definition of what it means to be social in their industry. It should be right on top of their mind, not needing much time to think about it. 

  3. Spiro Pappadopoulos Avatar

    The way that Facebook rolled out the heads of Spotify and Netflix must have sent some chills down the spine of old media companies, and even Apple to some extent. 

    Facebook’s true feat today is the sorting of their massive amounts of user data, correlated to the data of its partners. Impressive.

  4. Spiro Pappadopoulos Avatar

    I am very optimistic about using the new facebook features for business. Major improvement. The way businesses will be able to leverage the new design, highlight photos with the new features, and build social functions that cater more to their industries is a huge imporvement. 
    I look forward to working those angles with my clients.