Category: Google+

  • Writing a Professional Realtor Bio

    A Realtor needs to maintain an online bio in several places, here are five tips to help you execute one that works for you, not against you. 1. Its an old journalism saying: Show, don’t Tell. Explaining what you have done is better than telling them what your title is. You will see a lot…

  • Why Facebook Complaints Miss the Point

    Why Facebook Complaints Miss the Point

    By now you have heard of the Facebook changes coming, and seen the already implemented ones. If you have logged into Facebook today you have seen the complaints starting, and believe me they are just starting. Here is why complaining is pointless, and you either need to decide to ride the changes and find the…

  • Social Media Monitoring for Marketing

    Social Media Monitoring for Marketing

    Where are you when your potential customers are talking? Social media provides a chance to hear things you would never hear before, find customers you would never find before, and make connections that lead to sales you would never make before. The key is to be there to capitalize on the thought, comment, mention that…

  • Business Communications with Google Plus

    Business Communications with Google Plus

    Google Plus for Company Communications I thought I would share an example of the way that I am using Google Plus to strive for better communication with the employees of one of my restaurants. I created a circle in Google Plus and added all of the employee emails that I knew (I am hunting the…

  • Social Proof helps Launch a Restaurant

    Social Proof helps Launch a Restaurant

    Social Proof (noun) – The impact that an individual’s friends and acquaintances have on their likely hood to buy a product or service from a brand, derived from the commentary and activity the friends and acquaintances have with the brand on social networks and in social settings. Ok so like I said in the video,…

  • Google Plus Customer Management

    Google Plus Customer Management

    So I am embarking on a new project with my clients, to utilize the tools google has given us in Google plus to organize and market to their customers, prospective customers, and the world in general. First we are using gmail to maintain customer database, and then we are organizing these customers into circles by things they…

  • Features Google+ beats Facebook At (part 3)

    This is part 3 to a series of posts on features that Google plus does better than Facebook. Part 1 (photos) and Part 2 (open development) can be found at these links and I hope you enjoy this series. I really wanted to write about Google “Hangouts” today, the video group chat feature that has…

  • Features Google+ beats Facebook at (part 2)

    Features Google+ beats Facebook at (part 2)

    This is the second installment of a series of posts I am writing on the features that Google+ does better than Facebook. While I have heard from some listing things that Facebook does better, I would simply say, I am not writing about that. Google+ is a start up network that has the clear advantage…