Category: Tools

  • Spirocks Tweets 2012-09-21

    Ok @djmatos I am on iOS 6 now… You win. # iOS 6: 5 Things That Disappoint – # Getting crazy in the kitchen, how about a ghost chile garlic parm wing? (@ Sauce Wings) # RT @saucewings: Watching the NFL tonight? Order online with code 'NFL' to get 10% off all night:…

  • Spirocks Tweets 2012-09-20

    So lame, @mayortommenino is this the type of city you want? # It's not me, it's you. # The faves Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @OBJLPhil # 53% # I finally got this #hair thing right…I think. @ojandcigs #girlfriend (via @gematos33) #bigmoment 😉 # Apple maps suck. #dealwithitleming #…

  • Spirocks Tweets 2012-09-19

    Are you embarrassed enough yet @nfl? Get the refs back. # Hey @nfl you are getting ripped on every radio station around the country. #wakeup # The faves Daily is out! #

  • Spirocks Tweets 2012-09-18

    RT @joegiza: I'm willing to give as much as 3 dollars to anyone who can tell me what it really going on with Welker #Patriots # There is something different in the way you smile. # I'm standing here until you make me move. I'm hanging by a moment here with you. There is nothing…

  • Marketing Strategy: Is your business communication disjointed?

    Marketing Strategy: Is your business communication disjointed?

    Fusing your online and offline business communications is Essential to maximizing the results of your marketing strategy. When you are marketing your business these days, it is easy to get caught up in your online efforts and think of them as their own entity separate from any print, direct mail, in house, or broadcast marketing…

  • Spirocks Tweets 2012-09-17

    Bring them home Obama: Afghan inside attack kills 4 US troops – News – # Gonna need some runs like that from Ridley. # Brandon Lloyd is covered, well, everywhere he is going. # Chandler jones is going to draw a ton I hiding calls in his career if this keeps up. #…

  • Spirocks Tweets 2012-09-16

    WOW: Malaysia offers "spot the gay kid" seminars for teachers and parents # 11 months until iPhone 5s !!!!!!!!! # I hate the midget urinal. #therearetoiletsforthat # When top shelf ketchup is just out of reach. # The faves Daily is out! #

  • Spirocks Tweets 2012-09-15

    How an Unknown Street Artist Used Content Marketing to Build a Global Brand – (via @nestguy) brilliant # RIPOFF at $29: Apple to iPhone 5 buyers: No free 30-pin adapter for you | Apple – CNET News # Fishing in the bahamas with my dad. #goodtimes # Married To A Brand |…