Category: Just Think
Blizzard in Boston – Video
Thought I would share this time lapse video I made last night with you, it’s 13 hours of the blizzard that dropped 30 inches of snow on the Bosto Metro area shrunken into less than two minutes.
Video Marketing Examples for Small Business
Its easy to say… you should do video for your business. Its harder to actually do it. I have had the pleasure of working with some business people in the past few years to actually make it happen for them, and for my own businesses like Sauce. So I thought it would be worthwhile to…
Video Marketing Online Destroys Competition by Leveraging Time
Video represents the holy grail of online marketing, its ability to communicate with viewers trumps all other forms of online marketing. Why is that? Well if you were marketing your Real Estate Company for instance it would give you the ability to all at once show your personality, your expertise, as well as the unadulterated…
Thanks to all of you who have been a part of this past year. It was one that saw many changes for me and the support and friendship you all have shown is a big reason why I look forward to all that 2013 brings. Happy new year and let’s make it great together.
Emotional Connection is Advertising Gold (Example)
Let’s talk about best case scenarios when it comes to your advertising or marketing materials. In the best case they will inspire an emotional connection between the audience and the product or service you are selling. That connection is one that will lead the audience to be motivated to choose your product from the sea…
Marketing Strategy: Is your business communication disjointed?
Fusing your online and offline business communications is Essential to maximizing the results of your marketing strategy. When you are marketing your business these days, it is easy to get caught up in your online efforts and think of them as their own entity separate from any print, direct mail, in house, or broadcast marketing…
Food Network On Demand Fail
How a great opportunity is wasted by lazy execution. Chopped Champions, a show of the Chefs who are ‘Chopped winners’ from previous episodes competing for bigger prizes is kind of addicting. At least to me and my wife. We watch it on demand via Comcast (Our Mayor doesn’t let Verizon Compete in Boston) and Food…
Issue delivery and the Cult of Solving.
It happens all the time, someone points out a problem. Most of the time it is an employee, someone who is paid to be at your business. They have a front row seat after all, nobody is more aware of the intricacies of your business than a full time employee. Out of nowhere they will…