Tag: Local Business Marketing
Unapologetic Marketing
Don’t keep acting like you are the only one with a product trying to fill the consumers’ need. That’s just plain doubtful, in most cases the consumer has the choice of hundreds of competitors, and you need them to choose you. With that in mind, are you paying into a marketing scheme that simply states…
Embracing Change to Improve Your Restaurant’s Business
You don’t read about marketing to gain insight on maintaining your status quo, you read to learn how to improve your restaurant’s business. All of us seek out ideas, strategies, and technologies that can affect change on the success of our business. That success could be the bottom line, the well being of our employees,…
The Online Presence of a Local Business
Businesses may feel more helpless than ever to control the conversation about their brands. People speak their minds, and it is shared and presented and there is nothing that a business owner can do to stop it. An Actual Business Discussed on Facebook Today: Now obviously the sentiment is not what Joe’s Crab Shack was…
Local Business Marketing Plan
When you are marketing a local business online, you may feel like you are a tiny company fighting huge rivals at a disadvantage. It is true, you can not compete with a national company’s budget and resources… so what you need is an online marketing plan that leverages your advantages to put you on top.…
Local Business and Google Search Ranking
So What Can You Do? Make sure your website or blog is optimized for local search results. Focus on the terms that people will use when they search for you locally, broad and general terms will likely leave you ont he 90th page. Use the local area you are in, whether it is SOHO in…