Restaurant Servers, Get Social Now.

I have long wanted to write about this, but just always wished I didn’t have to. Since my wishes have gone unanswered I have given in to the temptation. A friendly order for restaurant servers everywhere. Take it from me, a restaurant owner and marketer.


To my favorite restaurant servers everywhere, you should be using your networks on facebook and twitter to do more than to try and get the attention of the girl/guy behind the counter at Starbucks. Use them to make money, so you know, you can buy a coffee at Starbucks everyday.

Sure promoting the restaurant is promoting a business that someone else owns, but truthfully you own it too. Put it this way, a restaurant owner would be thrilled to make 20% on his/her sales. She likely invested all of her money, some of her families money, and has a few investors to answer to. She has to find and manage all the employees, deal with nitwit reviews on Yelp, file and pay taxes every month, fix the toilet that a patron flushed a napkin down, worry about the local cops sending in an underage kid right when it is slammed, pay the snow plow guy, etc etc…

You? Well you get to come in at 4pm to start your shift, make some coffee, check that your section is neat and tidy, and serve your customers (some of whom may be nasty), you have to deal with the chef if he/she is testy over a slightly over cooked steak, and you have to be there to make money. But really, if you do a good job with a smile you will end up with 15-20% of your sales in your pocket. Done.

So you should be promoting the restaurant with your social networks. If you are working that night you should be sharing. You should be encouraging friends, family, and followers to come in and ask for you. You should be tweeting out the night’s special, and pictures of the blackberry mint martini. Sooner or later, money will be in your pocket because of it. Not to mention the social clout associated with working at a happening place, its yours to be had.

So own it, and do the right thing for you, your co-workers, and yes the restaurant owner too. I bet he/she will find a way to hook you up for it as well.

At GuestFeed we work with the employees of the restuarants we promote to educate, encourage, and reward their social efforts. Could we help you?


28 responses to “Restaurant Servers, Get Social Now.”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mitchellg, verdad cuento and spiro pappadopoulos, Guest Feed. Guest Feed said: Restaurant Servers, Get Social Now. Marketing and Hospitality […]

  2. Bill Lakin Avatar

    This is a great idea. If the server has a Smart Phone, they can snap photos and email them to their guests. If their restaurant has a branded app, they can ‘bump’ the app to the guest. Lots of possibilities.

    1. Spiro Pappadopoulos Avatar

      There are tons of possibilities and the most important thing is for
      the servers to make it their personal habit. Whatever route they take
      it will be beneficial to them in the long run.

  3. Daniel N. Calderon Avatar

    Sadly though, most restaurateurs do not allow servers to use their phone at work… As an industry, we need to catch up to technology ASAP …

    1. Spiro Pappadopoulos Avatar

      Daniel I agree, what do you suggest? Staff agreement about appropriate
      use and areas where it is ok and not ok?

  4.  Avatar

    Very interesting post. I have actually spent some time working on how a bartender could market their place of employment. Partly because I have a 22 yr old daughterlooking for work who is both a bartender and extreemly good sales person. enjoyed the perspective. Thanks.

    1. Spiro Pappadopoulos Avatar

      Glad you liked it, if she needs a job have her contact me. I own
      @gloryandover @evenfall125 thanks.

      1.  Avatar

        That’s very generous but I’m afraid we live in Mid TN. But I’ve run the Boston Marathon 3 times and love your city. If I manage to qualify again I will stop by.

        1.  Avatar

          I’ve got 2 very good friends running this year. One of them ran about 30 Marathons before he qualified. I’ll send them your way.

  5. Guest Avatar

    We are E-mailing you
    in front of Waiters Today Social network team and we would like your review.Let
    us know what do you think about how are we doing.Maybe you could have a few
    good words about our social network in one of yours blogs(and have link to our
    web site very much appreciate your blog as
    well as authority that you have. 

    Here is a little story
    about us:

    Waiters Today is a project made
    by restaurant enthusiasts with the goal of forming a social network that will
    help all people involved in the restaurant industry. By connecting and
    interacting directly with real people from the industry, our hope is to promote
    continued self-education, share information and work experiences, and provide a
    fun atmosphere for socializing and networking.


     The idea came from a group of friends working together in a fine dining
    restaurant in Indianapolis. 
    Starting as wait assistance, each has strived to work their way up and are
    currently working as servers, bartenders, and managers. Working their way to
    their positions, then maintaining them requires continuous self-education
    acquired by searching the web, reading books about wine, food, cocktails, and
    anything else restaurant related.


    we thought, why not try to connect all of our friends from our industry? 
    Not just in Indianapolis,
    but all over the country, and hopefully all over the world.  After all the
    restaurant industry is one of the biggest and oldest professions.  Here is
    our opportunity to blog or talk about different restaurant topics with others
    who understand the restaurant business.  We deserve to be connected and to
    grow in every aspect.  Not to mention have our voices heard!


    would like to call all the restaurant industry people (no matter what your
    position or experience is), along with all the people and companies also
    connected to restaurants, to join our web site.  Invite friends from the
    industry and let us all share our experiences and knowledge.

    Sincerely yours

    Waiters Today Social Network!!