I Got Sauced

i got sauced

It started out all in good fun. I wanted to open a place that made a really really good burger, crispy wings tossed in original homemade sauces, some hand cut french fries that you think about later in the week, and a small curated selection of craft beer cans. A fun, vivid, graphic vibe; bright colors, big tvs, funky names, and unapologetic ideas like a burger named: The Fat Kid. (A burger with every topping from every other burger including an over easy egg)

We would hire inspired cool people and have fun chipping ideas around, like making a hotter sauce by growing our own ghost chiles and coming up with a banging burger special each month that everyone loves. There is an infectious vibe in the crew and it resonates through the names and ideas that we toss around. I will never forget the way one of the main studs in the Sauce crew told me about an order for an extra patty fat kid burger. Harrison Starkweather (love that name) told me that someone had just ordered a Two Patty Fatty. Loved that.

Business blossomed as the team came together, more and more customers fell for our big ideas for simple food. We embraced spice and found a legion of heat seekers that wait for the next insanely hot sauce to come out. It isn’t always easy to grow, we had to tinker with the tiny space, adjust our food prep schedule, replace computers, and adjust the distance we would deliver to a few times. But we always have had a mojo, and some very talented chefs putting their heads together. Between Mike and Pat and Spencer the food is always under a close eye, and while we may be a fun loving group we take good food very seriously. I love a place that has no snobbery, no air of arrogance, but that just dives right into the fire to make something the best that they can, that is the goal of Sauce, and we try to get closer every day.

In Short; I Got Sauced, and I want to get the world Sauced too.

Some Recent Pics:

Burger of the Month Oct 2014 – The North Beef Burger – roast beef, northshore style bbq sauce, horseradish mayo, cheese & onion strings.


Home Grown Ghost Peppers:








2 responses to “I Got Sauced”

  1. Rick Canale Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this story – I cannot wait to get up there and try my own. There are so few companies like yours out there. keep doing what you’re doing.

    1. Spiro Pappadopoulos Avatar

      Thanks Rick! Appreciate that coming from you.