Slow Website? Speed It Up with This

Brand New Tool That Speeds Up Your Site Dramatically

So many small business websites suffer from long load times, and each time a potential customer is too impatient to wait, you lose them. Slow sites make a business seem rinky dink, unprofessional, and in jeopardy. That is why your hosting service and design are so important.

Now Google has created a tool that you can use to speed up your site.

Google’s Page Speed Service, allows websites to speed up with very little effort. Let’s let Google explain it in their own words:

Page Speed Service is an online service to automatically speed up loading of your web pages. Page Speed Service fetches content from your servers, rewrites your pages by applying web performance best practices and serves them to end users via Google’s servers across the globe.

To get this done all you have to do is sign up, and provide Google your serving and reference domains. Then you speed up your site by pointing your DNS CNAME entry to

Speed Matters

User experience wise, Speed may be the most important factor to consider. With the ability to supercharge your site with Google for free, there is no excuse to not make that happen. As states:

Web page speed is one of the main factors in webpage stickiness that gets a user to keep coming back again and again. If it’s not fast, it won’t be pleasant, and users won’t want to come back again and again for an unpleasant experience.

So are you going to use this on your site? Why or why not?

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One response to “Slow Website? Speed It Up with This”

  1. Amichefadmin Avatar

    Hi, This is admin!
    Email me at! That would be great!