Category: Tools

  • Why location is more important today than yesterday..

    … but not as important as tomorrow. What are the implications of social posting on location by consumers? A recent report by ListenLogic – 25% of social media shopping conversations are posted by consumers while they are in an actual store. Fueled by the explosive growth of the smartphone market share, consumers are commenting on their…

  • Why your competitors are beating you online.

    Why your competitors are beating you online.

    What do today’s most successful companies do better than you do when it comes to marketing online? They are open, honest, transparent, accessible, upfront, and forthcoming with details and pricing. Here is why that matters, and some quick ways to tell how far behind you are. Today, your web presence is increasingly becoming the storefront…

  • A Blog is your Lynchpin

    A blog gives your business a voice, a chance to say what you do, and why. It gives you a chance today to explain these things and to have that message read at your audience’s leisure, to be found via Google and read well into the future, and to be available for you to share…

  • Facebook says: You are Invisible Unless You Engage

    Facebook says: You are Invisible Unless You Engage

    I was looking at my most popular posts in the past month, and one that jumped out at me was the one I wrote about a Quiet Facebook Change most people don’t even know about. By looking at the amount of views that one post got, I wanted to follow up on the topic as…

  • Using Spoke Social to Aid in Booking Events and Private Parties

    I have been talking about Spoke Social Dashboard because I use it and I think people who need a professional social dashboard should consider it. It occurred to me that I had been doing a lousy job, basically just telling people they should try it, or offering them a free trial month. So today I…

  • How Can a Blog Help Market Your Restaurant Beyond SEO?

    You run a restaurant. One of your responsibilities, of which there are many, is Marketing. In recent years you have invested in marketing online, like everyone else you have tried your best to: Maintain an up to date website Actively collect, and send to, a growing email list Keep fresh content on your facebook and…

  • ‘Groupon Now’ may be too late

    In what seems like an admission to me that their business model is non-defendable, and likely not to be long-lasting, Groupon is readying a new way to distribute deals. What they’re calling Groupon Now. users will download a GPS ready app, and search for deals near where they are via their smart phones. What does…

  • Why Realtors Need Professional Social Media Content

    It seems like Real Estate was made to be marketed online, the time, travel, and money it saves to sort through homes first online makes it hard to imagine a time when we would have to drive around to see a bunch of property we had no desire to buy. Social media provides the connections…